Stories can heal us. Our hearts yearn for story; our souls long for it. An uplifting tale can penetrate to the marrow of our existence and stitch us together in a way that little else can.

As a family doctor, I’m keenly aware of the importance of hope. I have seen first-hand, again and again, how essential it is to human survival. Hope can strengthen the body to fight off a physical illness. Its absence can contribute to the worsening of disease. During my time in medical training and practice, I treated many patients who struggled with depression and despair. Their improvement, both physically and mentally, often depended on their ability and willingness to believe that healing was possible.
Join me on my blog as I paint word-pictures of hope through story, stirring up our hearts to embrace joy. I’ll post a weekly book review of an uplifting book (fiction or non-fiction) interspersed with some of my own stories, poems and devotions. Occasionally, I’ll choose a well-known tale and take a deep dive with a longer review, relating it to God’s healing love and highlighting the grace that shines like a hidden beacon within. Come with me on a journey of discovery and replenishment as we seek hope together through story.
Jenni Clark Dickens is an emerging author who writes both fiction and non-fiction with the purpose of inspiring hope. A finalist in the 2022 Selah Awards, her work has appeared in Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Blessings of Christmas, Family Tree Magazine, The Secret Place, and The Lutheran Digest. Jenni lives in South Carolina with her husband, two kids, and their maltipoo puppy. Originally from Luling, LA, she is a family practice doctor turned stay-at-home mom.

It’s never too early to get into the holiday spirit!
I shared a story close to my heart in
Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Blessings of Christmas.
It was my first published piece!