Book Review: Where Darkness Dwells by Andrea Renae

Jenni Clark Dickens

September 1, 2024

Imagine living in a land where it’s always dark, even in the daytime. Go ahead, crack open Andrea Renae’s fantasy novel Where Darkness Dwells. Can I just say that I LOVED this book? My copy is a bit dog-eared, as it spent time with me at the beach and the lake this summer.

The story begins with a darkness that is physical and palpable, linked to an oppressive force. But there are rare sightings of stunning creatures of light. The main character, a 17-year-old girl named Amyrah, starts to discover things her society has kept secret.

The writing is superb, allowing me to feel what the characters are feeling and fall in love with the characters. There’s the beginning of an emotionally charged romance also. The book is clean and appropriate for teens, but profound enough to captivate even the oldest readers.

The imagery of light and darkness resonates on so many levels. There’s the physical level, but also the battle against darkness within each character. Themes of despair, forgiveness, and hope interplay beautifully.

The only drawback is that I wanted to read more, but no worries! It’s the first book in a trilogy, and the sequel, There Bleeds the Light, will be available this November. You can find the author’s website at

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